A range of resource materials have been designed to complement the delivery of the KooLKIDS program. The resources have been designed to be user-friendly, making delivering the KooLKIDS program easy for facilitators and fun and engaging for children. Resources include:
- a program overview that highlights key skills to focus on each week;
- session guides that include checklists of what to prepare and what to bring to each session;
- a fully scripted manual;
- workbooks;
- DVD - 8 animated video clips that use the likable character Okki the Octopus to help students reflect and relate to different situations;
- story books;
- posters, feelings cards, needs cards, games, and puzzles;
- the KooLKIDS website;
- a variety of activity sheets and work stations that develop a team approach; and
- a range of tip sheets developed for parents and teachers.
The program has been designed to be delivered either using paper-based materials or online. The online component provides an interactive facility for students to engage with the materials.